TwinsFest '08
Saturday marked TBL's annual pilgrimage to TwinsFest. Since attendance is usually right in line with the prior season's team performance, it was possible to wander about more or less freely for the first time in several years. (There are benefits to stinking up the joint, however small and fleeting.)
The main goals of the day were:
1) Introduce a certain dedicated Twins fan to TwinsFest
2) Meet up with the blogger behind Lipgloss and Baseball
3) Go through the free minor-league autograph line every session
4) See the exhibits
5) Sign up to win free stuff
TBL is happy to report that all goals were satisfactorily accomplished. And now, bits and bobs of the day, in photos.
Boof Bonser, newly trim and ready to pitch.
Mike Redmond helps the Twins Wives' Club sell sparkly shirts.
Mystery player and Nick Punto
What with the new ballpark finally going up, one exhibit showed some of the old ones. TBL suspects that taking photos of photos qualifies as geeky.
And, what we're all eagerly waiting for...the new ballpark! Only teensy!